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Today is the first day of my new job. And as the Boss of my new job, I am giving my employee the day off…me. Why give the first day off to your new employee? Because she deserves it. Because to help her break from her mold as an “overfunctioner”, she needs a day to unwind, release from her old job, and give herself a day to be kind to herself. You have nothing today to prove except that you love yourself and it is time to take care of yourself. So many people will rush right into a new job, trying to make up for a loss they feel, try to make themselves feel better, trying to prove that they deserved getting hired, feeling like they are moving forward, etc. But what they really need to do is quiet their mind, breathe and reflect. So today, I am telling my employee to take the day off, reflect, breathe and enjoy working for her new employer.
Sorry, for those of you reading this and saying, “Wow, I would love to work for that kind of boss”, I am not currently hiring…but soon. So take care of yourselves and be your own boss. |
March 2018